Wetlands of India Portal

Date: 16-Feb-2025 11:16:45 PM

Wetland Health Card Details
State Name Wetland Name Date of Entry
Area (hectares) Wetland Type Year of Data Collection

# Features Code Indicator Desired Value Actual Value Category
1 Area A-01 % wetland converted to non-wetland use since 2000 0%
2 Hydrology and catchment H-01 Ratio of number of natural inlets choked and diverted to total number of natural inlets <0.2
3 Hydrology and catchment H-02 Ratio of number of natural outlets choked and diverted to total number of natural outlets <0.2
4 Hydrology and catchment Q-01 %of samples conforming to desired BOD/DO/COD levels Biological Oxygen Demand: Between 3 – 6 mg/l or Dissolved Oxygen >= 6 mg/l or Chemical Oxygen Demand (for Urban Wetlands) <50 mg/l
5 Biodiversity B-01 % wetland area covered by invasive macrophytes <10%
6 Biodiversity B-02 Annual water bird count as a proportion of average count of last 5 years Increasing
7 Governance G-01 Clearly demarcated wetlands map Wetlands map prepared and approved by CWLW/Relevant Authority
8 Governance G-02 Wetland Management Plan Management plan prepared and approved by CWLW/Relevant Authority
9 Governance G-03 Wetland Notification Wetlands notified under Wetland Rules/WPA

Actual Value Range and Grade

Indicator: % wetland converted to non-wetland use since 2000 (Desired Value : 0%)

Indicator: Ratio of number of natural inlets choked and diverted to total number of natural inlets (Desired Value : <0.2)

Indicator: Ratio of number of natural outlets choked and diverted to total number of natural outlets (Desired Value : <0.2)

Indicator: %of samples conforming to desired BOD/DO/COD levels (Desired Value : Biological Oxygen Demand: Between 3 – 6 mg/l or Dissolved Oxygen >= 6 mg/l or Chemical Oxygen Demand (for Urban Wetlands) <50 mg/l)

Indicator: % wetland area covered by invasive macrophytes (Desired Value : <10%)

Indicator: Annual water bird count as a proportion of average count of last 5 years (Desired Value : Increasing)

Indicator: Clearly demarcated wetlands map (Desired Value : Wetlands map prepared and approved by CWLW/Relevant Authority)

Indicator: Wetland Management Plan (Desired Value : Management plan prepared and approved by CWLW/Relevant Authority)

Indicator: Wetland Notification (Desired Value : Wetlands notified under Wetland Rules/WPA)

Published by

Wetlands Division
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Government of India
Indira Paryawaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh
New Delhi - 110003