Wetland Health Card Details

State Name
Tamil nadu
Wetland Name
Point Calimere Wildlife and Bird Sanctuary
Date of Entry
Area (hectares)
Wetland Type
Natural (Coastal)
Year of Data Collection
# Features Code Indicator Desired Value Actual Value Category
1 Area A-01 % wetland converted to non-wetland use since 2000 0% 1-5% B
2 Hydrology and catchment H-01 Ratio of number of natural inlets choked and diverted to total number of natural inlets <0.2 0-0.2 A
3 H-02 Ratio of number of natural outlets choked and diverted to total number of natural outlets <0.2 0-0.2 A
4 Q-01 %of samples conforming to desired BOD/DO/COD levels Biological Oxygen Demand: Between 3 – 6 mg/l or Dissolved Oxygen >= 6 mg/l or Chemical Oxygen Demand (for Urban Wetlands) <50 mg/l 80-100% sample meet the criteria A
5 Biodiversity B-01 % wetland area covered by invasive macrophytes <10% <10% A
6 B-02 Annual water bird count as a proportion of average count of last 5 years Increasing
7 Governance G-01 Clearly demarcated wetlands map Wetlands map prepared and approved by CWLW/Relevant Authority Wetlands map prepared but not placed in State Wetlands Authority C
8 G-02 Wetland Management Plan Management plan prepared and approved by CWLW/Relevant Authority Management plan prepared and submitted to SWA B
9 G-03 Wetland Notification Wetlands notified under Wetland Rules/WPA Final notification under extant regulation A

Basis of calculation

Frequency Assigned Weight Value
Number of indicators in Rank A 1 5.00
Number of indicators in Rank B 0.8 1.60
Number of indicators in Rank C 0.6 0.60
Number of indicators in Rank D 0.4 0.00
Number of indicators in Rank E 0.2 0.00
Total Frequency : Total Value : 7.20

Score Card

Ecosystem Health Score Ecosystem Health Rank Health Category
Between 0.96 - 1 A+ Very good
Between 0.91 - 0.95 A- Very good
Between 0.86 - 0.90 B+ Good
Between 0.81 - 0.85 B- Good
Between 0.76 - 0.80 C+ Moderate
Between 0.71 - 0.75 C- Moderate
Between 0.61 - 0.70 D Low
0.60 and below E Very Low