(Note: Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk sign (*).)

Wetland Brief Documents and Profile Form

1.1 Name of the Wetland (Alternative names, including in local language should be given in parenthesis after official name):
(Note: Images should be PNG, JPG format and should be less than 3MB.)

(Note: File should be PDF format and should be less than 5MB.)

(Note: File should be PDF format and should be less than 5MB.)

(Note: File should be PDF format and should be less than 5MB.)

Wetland Category Wetland Subcategory
Natural (Coastal) Coastal lagoon
Intertidal mud, sand or salt flats
Coral reefs
Natural (Inland) Permanent lakes
Seasonal/ intermittent lakes
Permanent streams/ creeks
Seasonal/ intermittent streams/ creeks
River floodplain
Permanent freshwater marshes
Seasonal/ intermittent freshwater marshes
Shrub-dominated wetlands
Tree-dominated wetlands
Geothermal wetlands
Karst and other subterranean hydrological systems
Main River Channel
Human-made Aquaculture pond
Dam / Reservoir

(a) Annual Rainfall /Snowfall(mm)
(b) Temperature(0C)
(c) Humidity(%)

Major landuse within zone of influence
Settlements (Rural)
Settlements (Urban)

Document Title Image
Map of wetland complex (Note: File/Images should be PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG format and should be less than 5MB.)
Map of zone of influence (Note: File/Images should be PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG format and should be less than 5MB.)






(Note: File should be PDF format and should be less than 5MB.)
Importance Icon Relevant for the site (please tick yes or no) Degree If Yes, Details (upto 150 characters for each category)
Freshwater for domestic use and irrigation
Water for energy production
Salt production
Medicinal and ornamental resources
Habitat for several migratory species
Climate regulation / carbon sink
Moderation of extreme events / flood buffer
Water purification
Erosion prevention / Sediment retention
Groundwater recharge
Lifecycle maintenance
Tourism and Recreation
Scientific and educational importance
Cultural and spiritual importance
Source of drinking water for people living and around
Source of water for agriculture
Cultivation of aquatic food plants
For buffalo wallowing and use of domesticated animals
Medicinal plants
Site of high congregation of migratory water birds
Buffering communities from extreme events as floods and storms
Acts as a sink for sediments
Supports noteworthy plants species
Supports noteworthy animal species
Supports life cycle of fish or amphibians
Is a recreational site
Is a site for recreation and tourism
Has significant cultural and religious values
Nature of right and privilege Relevant for the site
(please tick yes or no)
Does this negatively impact the wetland's ecological health? Brief description
(upto 150 characters for each category)
Community Fishing (without any lease or permission from government dep
Fishing under lease from government department
Harvest of plants (without any lease or permission from government dep
Harvest of plants under lease from government department)
Agriculture or horticulture within wetland
Religious practices
Withdrawal of water for domestic use
Withdrawal of water for agriculture or fisheries
Bathing or wallowing of domestic animals
Plying of boats
Threat Icon Present or Potential Degree Additional information, if any (upto 150 characters for each category)
Hydrological regime alteration
Unsustainable harvest of wetland resources
Over grazing
Unsustainable water abstraction
Mining (e.g. salt, sand or laterite)
Invasive species proliferation
Regime fragmentation
Tourism pressure
Extreme events / Climate change
Silt deprivation
Intensive agriculture
Coastal erosion
Changes in water inflow and outflow
Spread of invasive species
Activity Prohibited within wetlands or zone of influence Details of specific area wherein activity is prohibited (upto maximum 50 characters are allowed.) Name of department / agency responsible for regulation (upto maximum 50 characters are allowed.) Additional information, if any (upto maximum 150 characters are allowed.)

Activity Place a tick mark if relevant Regulation within wetlands or zone of influence Level of regulation (in terms of people, restricted area or any other) Name of department / agency responsible for regulation Additional information, if any
Withdrawal of water / Impoundment / diversion or any other hydrological intervention
Harvesting of Resources (living / non living)
Discharge of treated sewage/ effluent / wastewater
Construction of boat jetties, and facilities for temporary use, as pontoon bridges
Aquaculture, agriculture and horticulture activities within the wetland boundaries
Any other, please list
Activity Place a tick mark if relevant Within wetlands or zone of influence Additional information, if any (upto 150 characters for each category)
Species of global conservation significance
Species Count
Responsible agency has been clearly identified and details of contact person included
Wetland/ wetlands complex boundary has been delineated using GIS and firmed up by adequate ground truthing
Wetland/ wetlands complex map has been provided at required scale
Zone of influence has been delineated and included in wetland map or a separate map
Wetland zone of influence is sufficient to manage all activities
Site’s importance have been listed, and for major categories, justification is provided
Site’s biodiversity values are listed, and for major categories, justification is provided
List of pre-existing rights and privileges is provided
Consistency or inconsistency of pre-existing rights and privileges is indicated to be best of available knowledge
Threats to site are listed, and for major categories details are provided
Activities prohibited, beyond those already listed in Rule 4(2) have been mentioned
List of activities to be regulated within wetlands and zone of influence is provided
List of activities to be permitted is provided
(Note: You Can Upload Upto 5 Mb Image File.)

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